NFT’s 101: A Beginner’s Guide for Victorian Children

2 min readDec 17, 2022


Explaining NFT’s to a Victorian Child: The Basics

Photo by Stephanie Klepacki on Unsplash

Dear little Victorian child,

I have something extraordinary to tell you about. It’s called an NFT or a Non-Fungible Token. Now, I know that sounds like a mouthful of gobbledygook, but bear with me.

An NFT is like a special kind of digital collectible. It’s a little bit like those silly tea cups or vases that your mummy and daddy collect, except it’s all online and in the world of computers.

Now, you might be thinking, “What’s the point of collecting something that I can’t even touch or hold in my hand?” Well, dear child, that’s where the real magic of NFTs comes in.

You see, each NFT is entirely unique and can’t be copied or duplicated. That means if you have one, it’s yours and yours alone. It’s like having a one-of-a-kind painting or sculpture but without taking up all the space in your parlor.

Photo by Katelyn Greer on Unsplash

So, what can you buy with NFTs? Oh, all sorts of things! Some people like to collect digital art, music, or even memes. Others might want to own a virtual real estate plot or a digital pet. The possibilities are endless!

And who knows, little Victorian child, you might even become a crypto millionaire if you play your cards right. Imagine that! You, a wealthy little scamp, with an entire collection of NFTs at your fingertips.

But even if you don’t become rich and famous, you can still treasure your NFTs as unique keepsakes. Maybe you could use one to make a digital portrait of your grand house or keep a favorite poem or song close at hand.

So, what do you say, dear child? Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of NFTs? I think you’ll have a jolly good time! Just watch out for those scammers and fraudsters. They’re always lurking about, looking to part a fool and his money.

Yours sincerely,

Socially Strawberry

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